Hi all
As a novice I hope I can get some help on this as I cannot find an appropiate trigger for this:
When a user leaves a line in a form there has to be perfomed a check for some of the fields to see they have the correct contents.
I know how to write the code/conditions but having troubles finding where to put it as most triggers seems to be operative for each field moving along the line - and I want to perform the check when user leave the line and some fields must be specially checked depending og content of other fields.
Hope someone can help
Its a tubular type like the sub-form on salesorders.
Vaprog: Thanks for suggestion, but have tried that also. Already when you are on first field the Inserttrigger on table is activated. The meaning of my question is that it should only perform this very special test when line is finished and you leave it (or close the form).
Thanks for replying - could you specify a little as I cannot grasp your idea?
As you said it is like a subform type..
open sales Order and goto Functions-->Release
Similarly create a function like that and loop all the lines in subform and check the fields as you required..
Feeling a little slow in my head here. Have searched forms and tables for Sales Header and SalesLines - but cannot see any Function as you describe
go to sales order form
Click Functions-->Release...
Check what release function is doing..
Please set the form's DelayedInsert property to Yes to avoid the situation you are describing.
You may also want to search this forum for "mandatory field", as your requirement resembles that a lot.