Enddate in to-do

remcovanhremcovanh Member Posts: 8
When creating to-do's from an opportunity (I activate the first phase) the enddate of the to-do is always 1 day before the startingdate of the to-do. So the startingdatum of the to-do is 25-01-05 and the enddate of the to-do is 24-01-05. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in 3.70?


  • fbfb Member Posts: 246
    Fixed in 3.70B, Table 5080 To-do, procedure GetEndDateTime (but unfortunately not yet in NAVW14.00).
  • Dmitry_ChadaevDmitry_Chadaev Member Posts: 52
    It is fixed in 4.0 - Todo duration was not defined when a to-do was created from opportunity:

    TAB5093 Opportunity Entry,
    CreateToDo function,

    This line was added:
    ToDo."Opportunity Entry No." := "Entry No.";
          ToDo.Date := "Date of Change";
          ToDo.Duration := 1440 * 1000 * 60; // THIS LINE 
            SalesCycleStage."Activity Code",FALSE);
    It should be exactly like in TAB5080 To-do - AssignActivity function:

    ToDo.Duration := 1440 * 1000 * 60;

    So it looks like they corrected it in a wrong place... There is no need to change GetEndDateTime procedure when you have defined the Duration.
    Best regards,
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