Cust. ledger Entries sales by vat bus. posting

nikeman77nikeman77 Member Posts: 517
Hi all,

From cust. ledger entries, how can I find out if the sales was transacted in vat bus. posting group:local?

the customer card can be set as overseas but salesperson can (and its happening) amend sales order to change vat bus. posting group to local, post the documents too.


  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi nikeman77,

    you get an idea through the Navigate function. If you use sales documents, there will be a posted sales document (invoice or credit memo) with the same document no. (Caution: this is a weak link, there are no checks if you are using the same document no. more than once.). The posted document has the VAT Bus. Posting Group. Alternatively you can select the G/L entries on the revenue accounts of the transaction. These have the VAT bus. Posting Group set.

    with best regards

  • nikeman77nikeman77 Member Posts: 517
    Hi Jens,

    Thanks for replying.

    Basically how do I go about doing the navigation as you had indicated?

    Also from where can I check G/L>VAT Bus Posting Group 'drill in'?
  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi nikeman77,

    in the customer ledger entries form/page there should be a button/action called "Navigate". This should list all entries related to this document no. and posting date. It should show the posted document (if it was a sales document) and also the G/L entries created.

    with best regards

  • nikeman77nikeman77 Member Posts: 517
    hi Jen,

    Sorry i am not sure how to go about getting the customer ledger entries form/page you mention. However I manage to see in Finance Mgt> Receivables> History> Navigate.

    There's some tables appearing (G/L Entry, VAT Entry etc etc) when I search by the Invoice number in Navigate function.

    So back to the main objective of exporting out sales with vat bus. posting group: LOCAL, in my cust ledger entries dataport, i could use the document no as a filter in G/L Entry table if NOT vat bus posting group:LOCAL, CurrDataport.skip that would give me a more precise value inclusive of credit memo.

    Based on that I derive logic below:
    IF (Sales Invoice Line-Sales Credit Memo Line) = (Cust Ledger Entry where G/L Entry.Vat Bus. Posting Grp=LOCAL)?
  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi nikeman77,

    so you only want those local sales? Is it ok that you get the gross amount (including VAT)? To slect the right entries you would need an additional selection on the G/L entries of the same transaction.


    for each Customer Ledger entry:
    select G/L entries with the same document type, document no, transaction no.
    select in G/L entries if there is your VAT Business Posting group in it
    if you find one, then this would be a Customer Ledger Entry to process.

    For a dataport, this is awful to implement, but it can be done.

    with best regards

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