F1 Help
F2 Edit
F3 Add record
F4 Delete line
F5 Symbol menu
F6 Drilldown
F7 Field Filter
F8 Copy previous
F9 C/AL Editor
F11 Compile
F12 Main menu
CTRL - C Copy
CTRL - V Paste
CTRL - X Cut
CTRL - A Select All
CTRL - S Save
CTRL - R Run
CTRL - P Print
CTRL - F Find
CTRL - H Replace
CTRL - O Open Company
CTRL - Z Undo
CTRL - N New Object
SHIFT - F2 Assist edit
SHIFT - F7 Flowfilter
SHIFT - F12 Object designer
CTRL – F1 Mark Record
CTRL - F2 Object Designer
CTRL - F4 Close
CTRL - F6 Next Form
CTRL - F7 Table Filter
CTRL - F8 Zoom
Actually, what I do most, is to use the ALT-function keys. For example:
ALT+V+A Show All
ALT+V+P Properties
ALT+V+B Globals
ALT+V+A Locals
ALT+F+A Save As
ALT+V+D Dataport Fields
ALT+V+F Field Menu
see Function Overview
Actually, what I do most, is to use the ALT-function keys. For example:
Don't touch my mouse all day \:D/
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog