Item Charges on Sales Shipment before posting Sales Invoice

shahidtshahidt Member Posts: 61
Hi. We have two different people handling the Purchase and Sales Financials in our company. We have some Sales based costs such as Transportation that we want to assign as Item Charges to the Sales Shipment of the Sales Invoices. The transportation is done by our vendors and we may have more than one transported per Sale.

Sometimes it may so happen that the entire Sale quantity may not be shipped, but we may incur road transportation charges from one vendor. Thus we may need to post some Item charges for a Sales Invoice that has not yet been posted. One method to handle this would be to enter all the information of the Purchase Invoice and then do the Item Charge assignment once the Sales Invoice has been posted by the other personnel.

Is there any better alternative to this? I'd appreciate any inputs on this. Thanks in advance.
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