I need to make a report like so:
Page 1
Company information
company name
company address
company tax office
In this report the data item is Company Information
I need to allow the user to choose print from 1 to 100 pages (for example). She chooses the numbers.. could be from 1 to 10. Could be from 1 to 5...etc
I don't know where to put this... request form? If so, how does it know to print it out say.. 100 times, and to make the changes in page numbers?
The output would be the report above (just the company information) and the page1 would be page 2 (for the second page) page 3 (for the third) etc.
If you need this, simply put a "Integer"-DataItem typically named CopyLoop after the "Company Info"-DataItem. Set the "NewPagePerRecord"-Property to Yes.
Put the needed "Company Info"-Fields to the "CopyLoop"-Body.
In the CopyLoop-"OnPreDataItem" Trigger put the following code: "NoOfLoops" and "NoOfCopies" are Integer-Vars. The "NoOfCopies" you have to request on the request form. Now it should work.