Security in Navision SQL server option

Henry@columbusHenry@columbus Member Posts: 24
What is the recommended SQL security setting for normal users when accessing the SQL server option with Navision.

To get it working my user role membership settings are:
public and db_owner. (Is this wise to use db_owner?)

And what is the recommended server role. Is this "System Administrator"?




  • watungwatung Member Posts: 29
    What I do is assign "Public" for all users in MSSQL, then assign different roles in Navision. It seems that Navision uses the informatin in MSSQL only for validation, i.e. to validate that this user exists in MSSQL, and not to assign roles and permissions. (So, for example, "public" user in MSSQL can have "super" user in Navision).
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Navision is using "Application role" - it means, that user need only public permission to login into database. After that, the Navision use the role "$ndo$shadow" for permissions on SQL DB. Permissions for user are then driven with Navision itself based on Navision roles and permissions (and licence). BUT... for importing objects and licence, you need additional rights on MS SQL - commonly the db_owner rights or administrator rights (for uploading licence file into server).

    Why Navision is using application role? Because it means, that if user have only public rights, they cannot connect to database with another tool (for example query analyzer, excel etc.) and work with datas. They can only work with datas through Navision. But if you set some permissions on DB directly through MS SQL for some user account, it is used too... if you permit reading something to some user, he is not able to read it through Navision too...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Henry@columbusHenry@columbus Member Posts: 24
    Thanks for your answer, it's been very helpfull.

    Henry :D
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