NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client. Job costing question.
I am using completed contract contract as my job costing type.
Lets say I post a purchase invoice for $100, and I code it to a job. So now it shows up as usage.
So right now I have $100 in cost to the job.
I run WIP and then post a Sales Invoice for 200. (CR revenue $200, DR AR)
so now i have $100 cost on the job and $200 revenue on the job. (This is fine)
But after you 'close' a job, it wants you to run WIP once when I do that it
DR Recognized Cost $100
CR Cost Applied Account $100
CR Recognized Sale $200
DR Job Sales Applied. $200
So now I have $200 in cost ($100 from before and $100 right above), when I should only have $100.
Same thing on the Recognized Sale, I now have $400 ( $200 + $200), when I should only have $200.
Am i not viewing this right ? Can anyone explain ?