I would like to know if it is possible to send an email through an interaction with an attached document such as a pdf and in the same time a text in the body.
I tried but i did not succeed :
I sent mails with a body but not attachement or mails with an attachement but no body :-(
Thanks in advance for your help
Yes it is possible, we use attachments and bodies in several processes.
In th US, we use the NewMessage function in codeunit 397 Mail.
The first thing I would do would be to get a call to this codeunit to work in a test codeunit.
Just define the parameters, hard code them and call the function.
If this works for you you know it is possible.
We created a new function that took and array of attachments and an array of message bodies so we could send
more than one attachment and longer messages.
hope this helps some
If i understand, i must do some modifications. It is not possible with the "standard" ?
Best regards
The standard code will do one body and one attachment.
To just test that standard function you need to call it from somewhere and hard code your values.
This will test the standard functionality.
I am going to test as you suggest.
Best regards