Navision 3.70A & 3.70B

rcardosorcardoso Member Posts: 5

Anybody knows how to have 3.70A & 3.70B simultaneously installed in the same machine?
When I try to install 3.70B, the installer says there is a previous version (3.70A) that must be removed...
When I install 4.0 there is a chance of updating or too install a new version.



  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    Just copy the folder into your programs directory and create the shortcuts yourself. This should resolve your problem.

    The folder is on your CD:
    CD:\Client\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\*

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    To expand a little on this answer....

    You can run Navision directly from the files on the product CD, you don't need to install Navision unless you arre going to do some integration (like the outlook integration or email logging or commerce gateway, in which case you need the right version of external components to be registered through the installer). All you need to run Navision is the client folder from the product CD, like Waldo says. If you put your dev license in those folders, you dont even need to switch licenses.

    What I do is I have the version I work with most installed (in my case that is 3.70B), and I have copies of the client folder of most other versions copied onto my hard drive. If I need to open a 2.5 database, I just run the fin.exe from the 2.5 folder and that works most of the time. Of course, if you need to work with the external components of a certain version, you must have that version installed, although in some cases that isnt even necessary. You'll learn which ones are ok and which ones are not from experience.
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