I have some inventory setup questions when it comes to average costing. Specifically these fields.
Automatic Cost Posting.
Automatic Cost Adjustment
and Average Cost Period.
Now, the Automatic Cost Adjustment field only matters if the Automatic Cost Posting is turned on correct ?
Also, let's say I post some inventory increases.
+10 in jan.
+10 in feb
+10 in march.
now its July and I post a Sales Invoice for -15. In NAV, any decreses get applied against any increases. but how far back does NAV go ? Is that what the Automatic Cost Adjustment field is for ? To determine how far back to apply my decrease to my increase ?
If Automatic Cost Posting is turned on, then a G/L transaction would be posted every time you increase|decrease|adjust cost.
When you post an inventory decreasing transaction it applies to first (by posting date) open increasing operation. The cost for decreasing operation for average cose is calculated like : summ of cost of inventory on stock / quantity of inventory on stock (an expected cost could be also included).
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What if I have Automatic Cost Posting turned on, and Automatic Cost Adjustment set to 'Never'.
Will this only post the cost to the GL when I run the 'Adjust Cost Batch' routine ?
If you set Automated Cost Posting and turn off Automatic Cost Adjustment, then cost would be automatically post on COGS account by an average cost (which comes from an Item Card, field Unit Cost). But if you would post some increase, which comes some time ago, the cost wouldn't be automaticaly adjusted and, of course, it wouldn't be posted on COGS account.
When you run an adjustment batch routine then cost would be adjusted (Value Ledger Entries) and posted (G/L Ledger Entries).
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