Pro-Rata in Account Schedule

shahidtshahidt Member Posts: 61
Hello. Is it possible to do a Pro-Rata of Expenses in Account Schedule, or are Reports the only alternative. In our company, we sell some items and also provide services on those items. In addition, we act as a 3rd Party in some of those cases. Assume, we have 1000 units of some item. We raise an invoice on our service provider for contracted services on all those 1000 units. However, if we sell only 300 units of that item in a quarter, I need the Row in the Account Schedule to calculate 300/1000th of the cost of the service since only that much has been sold (pro-rata basis).

Since this is our first year of Dynamics NAV, Item charge is out of the question for a few months, since we used Positive Adjustments on items to bring in opening stock, and NAV is set up such that Item Charge can only be entered on a Procured Item.

If there are any alternatives to the root cause of the above problem (Pro rate Expenses), I'd very much like to hear about them.

Thanks for your time.
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