Filter Variable in the child report while drilldown

gdkve9gdkve9 Member Posts: 161
edited 2011-07-16 in NAV Three Tier
Hello everyone,

I would like to know if any way out there to filter the variable values in the child report while drilldown from the main report.


Main Report: Location Wise Sales and Cr.Memo Values
This report shows location wise Sales Amount (Sales Invoice Line.Amount), Sales Quantity(Sales Invoice Line."Quantity (Base)" and Credit Memo Amount (SalesCrMemoAmt-Varaible and the value calculated from Sales Cr.Memo Line.Amount for the corresponding location)

Child Report: Customer wise Sales and Cr.Memo Values
This report shows all the customers grouped by Location when drilldown from the Main report (Mentioned above). Customer wise Sales Amount (Sales Invoice Line.Amount), Sales Quantity(Sales Invoice Line."Quantity (Base)" and Credit Memo Amount (SalesCrMemoAmt-Varaible and the value calculated from Sales Cr.Memo Line.Amount for the corresponding Customer)

On drilldown of Sales Amount from the main report, the child report should show as is attached.
But on drilldown of Cr. Memo Amount from the main report, the child report should show the values filtered by SalesCrMemoAmt <> 0
Note: SalesCrMemoAmt in the child report is a variable and is calculated one

I am stuck in filtering out this variable from the main report on navigation.

Kindly suggest if I could be arrived at the solution.

Thanks in advance.
Falling down is not a defeat..defeat is when you refuse to get up.


  • gdkve9gdkve9 Member Posts: 161
    I would be grateful if someone could suggest the possibility :idea:

    As an alternative, I have made two reports for two drilldowns on the main report. First drilldown report as is in the attached child report and the second drilldown report as is in the attached child report with Group header property visibility --> Hidden --> True (iif SalesCrMemoAmt = 0)

    This works fine but costing me an extra report.

    I would like to do this with single report applying the variable filter as mentioned in my earlier post in the same one.

    Waiting for your suggestions [-(

    Thanks in advance.
    Falling down is not a defeat..defeat is when you refuse to get up.
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