I would like to set a table group header row to invisible on the first page it gets printed. In this line is information like this: "sequel or reminder no. xy". Obviously you dont want to show this information on the first page, but on every following one.
By design request, we dont have a header in the report, this is why I have to put it in the body.
I know, you cant use the pageNumber in the body. But is it possible, to know, if your are on the first or any other page of the report? Or some other workaround to achieve this functionality?
Shared FirstPageParam as Integer
Public Function SetFirstPageParam()
FirtsPageParam = 1
End Function
Public Function GetFirstPageParam()
Return FirstPageParam
End Function
Add a hidden field to your header (but after the field that you need to hide on the first page) where you perform SetFirstPageParam.
In the field that you need to hide add the Hidden Value with the Iif statement which would check the GetFirstPageParam value.
It was (thank god) decided, that there should be a header. So a workaround is not needed anymore.