We are getting a sporadic error in a form. After saving the form in the Object Designer, or deleting the zup file, the problem disappears, but then re-appears a few days or weeks later. The details are below, any help is appreciated.
The client is using a Nav 4.00 database, with 2009 R2 executables (we did a backup in 4.00 and restore in 2009 R2). The problem only started when using 2009 R2, it worked fine before.
They use Navision Server, not SQL.
In the Item Reclass. Jnl (form 393) when going to a new line, an error message is displayed: “Item Jnl. Template ‘’ does not exist.” This is because OnNewRecord has the line:
And for some reason, xRec becomes blank just before this line is executed.
Alastair Farrugia
there you are a link with the list of HF:
https://mbs.microsoft.com/Cms/Templates ... RNODEGUID={35196C23-95C8-4245-8F18-19A08BFA6D99}&NRORIGINALURL=/partnersource/support/selfsupport/hottopics/nav2009sp1platformhotfixoverview.htm?printpage=false&stext=980448&NRCACHEHINT=Guest&printpage=false&stext=980448&wa=wsignin1.0
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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The error re-occurred just a few hours after the last fix yesterday, so I downloaded the latest build (32519) and installed it on the client's site.
Of course, since the problem is sporadic, we will never know if it's actually been solved, but if it doesn't occur after a week or two (which it used to do), I'll close the support ticket.
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
I'll change this thread to "Solved".
Thanks for your help.
Of course, there should have been another line of code to remove the filter after posting.
What I was told was that the error occurred randomly, and when it occurred, the debugger showed xRec becoming blank (which then caused the error). In my tests, I posted without printing, which is why I couldn't replicate it.
Next time, I won’t assume that “random” errors are actually random, and also to check different behaviours (e.g. printing, not just posting), and check what filters are being set.