Hi guys,
Any idea how to efficiently compare 2 sets of data and display the diff ONLY without using nested loop (as I realised it slows down my processing given that its T21-Cust. Ledger Entry) or temp table?
Similarity in 2 sets of data:
Salesperson Code
Document Type: Invoice
Posting Date: Current- Eg: 6-07-11 AND 1 Yr Ago- Eg: 6-07-10
Difference in 2 sets of data
If Last Yr exist customer that do not have in this year(6-07-11) display them
what exactly is your goal?
what is relation with SalesPerson?
Previous Filter Period: 01-01-10..31-01-10
SalesPerson Code: SP024
*No records
SalesPerson Code: SP030
Cust Current Previous
No Sales (LCY) Sales (LCY)
001 0.00 50,687.34
329 0.00 790,382.12
Last Year salesperson sp030 sell to a customer at filter period ("Posting Date") 01-01-10..31-01-10