Report Error "The maximum length for a string value is 10"

ccbryan63ccbryan63 Member Posts: 115
edited 2011-08-10 in NAV Three Tier
I am busy upgrading to 2009 RTC and I have several reports (Vendor Account Detail is one) that when run from RTC return the error ""The maximum length for a string value is 10." Running the same report with the same parameters in the Classic client works fine, so I figure it has to do with the VS report layout. Furthermore, running the report in RTC with different parameters (e.g., different vendor) also works fine, so it's obviously data-related and not an inherent error in the report layout itself.

Does anyone know how I might go about figuring out what the problem in the layout is? Do I just need to wipe the existing layout and recreate it?



  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Check whether you have anycode with
  • ccbryan63ccbryan63 Member Posts: 115
    Some more information: I'm pretty sure I have isolated the issue down to a single field. I have vendor- date-filtered the report (Vendor Account Detail) so that it should only return two rows, an invoice and a payment. If I further filter it on Vendor Ledger Entry.Documnet Type = Payment, it runs fine. However, if I try to run it for Document Type = Invoice or without filtering on document type, it gives the error. I'm nearly certain that the culprit is the Document No. field. The payment doc no in question is 'REM085629' (10 chars), and the invoice is 'AP INV28394' (11 char).

    However, I can't find anywhere in the VS report or in the .xsd that is limiting the Document No. field to 10 characters. The field length in the report form is set in centimeters/inches, not characters, and depends on the width of the column. In the .xsd the length of the field is -1 (like all the other fields) and any changes I make to it are not saved.

    Any thoughts?
  • ccbryan63ccbryan63 Member Posts: 115
    The answer is always easy, once you know what it is. There was a global variable DocNoTmp, with a length of 10. This variable was not used in the Classic report, only in the RTC. There ya go!
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