I'm accesing a database from a server The connection goes well and I am able to access table and all that.
I've tried using the ".NextTable" function, but it wasn't able to achieve what it supposed to do.
I've wrote the code as:
a = Cfront1.NextTable(0)
Such code should return the table number of the very fisrt table in the database, but it didn't.
Please somebody help...
Janderol Lozares Jr.
Manila, Phils.
What is your error message?
Can you give us your complete part of code?
Manila, Phils.
+ next questions: Are you using the ocx / enviroment. Mine : direct access to cfront.dll / Visual Studio 2003 C Sharp
Manila, Phils.
I have change to:
Option Explicit
Sub dd()
Call Cf.ConnectServerAndOpenDatabase("", "myserver", "tcp", "", 10000, True, False, "me", "secret")
Cf.OpenCompany ("my company")
MsgBox Cf.NextTable(0) ' Returns 3
End Sub
And it works.
The error you got is correct: 'the function ".GetErrorText" does not exist'. My compiler did complain about that
BW: I use NF 3.60
Manila, Phils.
I am doing the same thing but with ASP as i am not using dsn but want to connect with conn string and getting error once that db coundn't found and second time that ISAM not found
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "C:/db/test.fdb"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Select * from ADOTable", conn
Can u suugest me where is the error in thiis coonection string as i can access data in asp from MS Access (*.mdb) but not from Navision DB table
Thanks in advance