Name of output file / report printing

Maik_SwissMaik_Swiss Member Posts: 17
hi out there,

nice to have a source where good ppl help newbs like me :)

I have a question about the output file name when printing a report.

We have a report called order, when i print the report it is send to the printer with the name order.
Due to remote printing we cant see what we print. Now and then one jobs is not printed, is seems it get lost on the way to the printer.
The printer stores the jobs in a log, so we can see that there are x jobs done, the problem is, the jobs have all the same name "order".

If there is a way to define a unique name for each printfile, it would be so easy to keep track.
ie. we have a Order Number, if it is possible to name the file like order12345 where the number is taken from the order number.

So my question is, is there a way to control the name of the output file.

Hoop you'll have the answers for me,



we use MS Dynamice NAV 5 SP1


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    No there is no option to change the name. The name of the printed job is the name of the report ID.
    You could some code to change the name of the report in the object table, but I wouldn't suggest it.
    You can suggest. this to MS as feature to name the printing job with filters associated with the report.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    A workaround is to use pdfcreator/bullzip and change your code to save it as pdf file first and then send it to printer. this way you can control the name of the pdf file.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    If the log is timestamped you could log when a report is printed. Then you can compare the logs to see what order is missing.
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  • Maik_SwissMaik_Swiss Member Posts: 17
    Maybe i need to give some more info.

    We need PrinterShare to deliver the "order" printouts to two external offices.
    It was quiet hard to tech the stuff to chose another printer, so the solution must be very easy.

    The workaround:

    User x prints the report "order" and select "External Office" (PrinterShare)" as printer, than the Window pops up to select one of the locations.
    PrinterShare shows than a status "delivered success"

    Now it occur, that a job does not reach the external office, atm i cant find out if this is a user fault or PrinterShare has some troubles.
    On my test prints, around 100 Pages from diff locations, there was 100% success.

    PrinterShare sends a status mail, when the job is finished on the other end. This contains, Time of sending, time of printing and job name (order)
    If it is successful printed, there is no need of other informations.

    In the case a job is lost, i have no status mail and i have not enough information to determine, with job has failed.
    There are 3 users printing to diff times, and it occur that they send 30-50 jobs within 30min from each station.
    So only the send time isnt enough to check witch job is lost.

    Only a unique Job ID ie Order1234 makes it easy or possible to track the job.

    I need to make sure, that 100% of the jobs are printed because it is really necessary that a job isnt printed two times.

    We will look forward to get a fitting solution, thx for any input so far.

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