I'm working with NAV 4.0 SP3 and SQL 2005.
Sometimes when we post a consumption we receive an error (whatever the reason, lack of stock, etc).
The big problem is that until the user does not click accept, all other users can not post consumptions, appears the message "is blocked by another user", but really is not blocked, just that the user has left the error in screen and has not accepted.
I looked in the Partner Source to see if there is a HotFix but can not find anything to solve this.
Thanks in advance
User training should solve this problem.
Which NAV Build of 4.03 are you using? I have good experience with Build 29821 for NAV 4 which does not show this effect and also fixes lots of performance problems of older builds.
FD Consulting
Ok, my Build is the first NAV 4.0 SP3, I have downloaded the 29821 Build and I'll install it.
Already works fine!!!
Thanks a lot
At the time an error is thrown the transaction is rolled back and all locks must be released. If the blocks stay you have one of the NAV builds with a bug!
FD Consulting
1. Error is encountered
2. Server starts the rollback of the transaction and locks are released
3. NAV Client displays Error Message
As I already said there are builds existing which do a 1, 3, 2 order. MS support confirmed that this is a bug.
FD Consulting