Hi Everyone,
We are trying to use barcodes on stylesheets. Normal barcode fonts will not work because the chevron (<<) signs are not included in barcode fonts, so mailmerge cannot recognize merge fields and replace them.
The next solutions we tried is using OCX or Word add-in’s using OCX (nice end-user solution!).
They work fine in standard Word mailmerge, but not in NAV2009. When merging/printing documents with OCX included, NAV 2009 is producing invalid XML files.
Think it has to do with incorrect including OCX objects?
Any suggestions?
I found some free? resources at:
http://xep.xattic.com/xep/resources/bar ... codes.html
http://xep.xattic.com/xep/resources/bar ... pc-ean.xsl
Christer in Stockholm, Sweden