OLE Automation error - EShip

sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
We use NAV 5.0SP1. We use Lanham EShip for shipping and Receiving. When we close the package (//cp), we get the following error message.

Could not create an instance of the OLE Control or Automation Server identified by GUID =

The error happens in CU 14000747 - CommControl Management ( Get ScaleWeight function). It fails at Comm.prcpmmport("Scale comm.port").

This happens only on few computers. We use citrix to connect to NAV. Please advise.



  • Ian_BachusIan_Bachus Member Posts: 21
    It has been a while since I've worked with EShip so I might be a bit rusty here.... However, based on that message you are receiving it sounds like there is an automation control that is not registered on that PC that is receiving the error. Are you having this problem on ALL pc's that are running EShip or just one? I have seen similar messages when running NAV functions on a PC that calls an automation control that is not installed on the PC where it runs fine on others (that have the control installed). I hope this helps....
  • sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
    It happens only on few PCs.
  • sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
    Thank you for your help. I have GUID#. How can I find the OLE Control name from the GUID#? Where do I need to find?
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I can reproduce this error pretty easily.

    All Pc's using eship need Scales Communication OCX installed if they are using a scale.
    Now if it's installed and you don't have a scale attached you will get an error.

    when the user logs in they should be assigned a "packing station".
    One of the options in "packing station" is "Manually Enter Weight".

    if this is unchecked then the system is trying & failing to access the scale.

    We have created packing stations called NOSCALE where regular users are assigned, but one in a while they might want to create a misc package label. the NOSCALE packing station has Scale Interface code "Blank" and "Manually Enter Weight" checked.

    It sounds like you just have some setup issues.

    Eship should have created a "scale interface" in shipping setup. if you goto the scale that is setup & hit F9 (which is the shortcut to GET WEIGHT) you will get the error I show below. Cause my pc has no scale attached.
  • sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
    Thanks for your response. Where can I find the Scale Communication OCX? I checked our Packing Stations. We have multiple stations and we have checked Manually Enter Weight" in all the stations. Please let me know what I need to change in the Setup.

    Our Scale interface is exactly similar to yours. We are using MSComm as Scale Integration.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The scale ocx came with the eship setup.
    E-Ship has a number of External Components that need to be installed.

    Perhaps an eship CD, do you have?

    The error will only come when the user is trying to GET WEIGHT and either their is no scale, The scale is Off or the scale is disconneced.

    You have to review the steps these users are taking that get the error.
    See how their assigned packing station is setup and see if the pc they are accessing has been setup properly & the scale is working.

    Or Get or Nav Partner to come in and take care of it
  • sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
    Thank you so much for your response. I was just curious to know where (in which folder) we can find that ocx? The reason is when they close the package in the NAV installed on client machine, they don't get this error. But it is very slow. It takes 5 minutes. So we can't use it. When they use citrix, it is very fast, but they get this OLE error message.

    What is the Scale integration type you use in Scale Interface? We use MSComm.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The reason is when they close the package in the NAV installed on client machine, they don't get this error. But it is very slow. It takes 5 minutes. So we can't use it.

    You have another reason to contact your Nav partner.
    //cp "close package" should take a second.

    are the shipping computers old & slow?

    as far as the folder - I have a cd that has the folders listed below.
    Your Nav partner should also have what you need.
  • sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
    Yes, the computers are very old and slow.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    for our warehouse pc's we install the bare minimum they need to function. No ms office or anything like that.

    when they die I pick up a cheapy one from places like compuvest.

    everybody wins with a fast network.
  • sowmyasridharsowmyasridhar Member Posts: 19
    This issue is resolved. We installed CommControl.ocx in c:\Program Files\Communication folder in citrix servers resolving the issue.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    excellent - when it comes to eship I install everything on all pc's & servers just to cover all bases!! better to be safe than sorry.

    if you edit the first post of this topic you will be able to set the attribute to "Solved"
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