Reminders(Alerts) on Employee's Retirement and leave date

Nav_ilNav_il Member Posts: 30
Hi All,
Is there anyway one can have a reminder in the form of alerts in Nav HR to remind the HR users about employees due date for retirement and annual leaves.

Our HR manager wants reminders or Alert ( Something that will alert him) about employee's retirement date and annual leave times. He said he is so busy that sometimes these dates pass without him knowing.

Is there any way nav HR module can remind him about these dates in the form of alerts when he opens Nav or closes. He needs to be alerted say one week or some days before the due date for retirement and leaves.

Anyone knows how this could be done? or any reports for this in Nav HR


  • Nav_ilNav_il Member Posts: 30
    Has anyone implemented this before? I need someone to help me on this please.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    you can write the following code in Codeunit 1 loginstart function
      Employee.SETRANGE(Employee."Retirement Date",TODAY);
      IF Employee.FINDSET THEN
        MESSAGE('Today is the Retirement date of %1 %2',Employee."No.",Employee."First Name");

    It will show the employee no and name of the employee whose retirement date is today..

    PS: Retirement date is a new field in Employee table.
  • Nav_ilNav_il Member Posts: 30
    Thank you very much for the quick reply. How about the Alert comes 5 days before the retirement date. Let say the Alerts start when the retirement or leave date is five days before the actual date and from that date, any time the users login to the database, it keeps alerting them the employee so and so retirement or leave date is 5 days days to come, the next day, 4 days to come and the following day 3 days to come and so on untill the actual day.

    Just like the alert for the expiration date for the Nav licence alert.

  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Forum is for just suggesting ideas not for developing your all requirements from scratch.
  • Nav_ilNav_il Member Posts: 30
    Yes, that is true. I actually have the code you suggested already, just wanted to know how i can program to keep reminding me of an employee's retirement and leave date. Just like i explained in my third post. That is a post before this.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Try out this
      Employee.SETFILTER("Retirement Date",'%1..%2',TODAY,CALCDATE('<5D>',TODAY));
      IF Employee.FINDSET THEN
          IF (Employee."Retirement Date" - TODAY) <> 0 THEN
            MESSAGE('%1 %2 Retirement date is %3 days to come.',Employee."No.",Employee."First Name",Employee."Retirement Date" - TODAY)
            MESSAGE('%1 %2 Retirement date is Today.',Employee."No.",Employee."First Name");
        UNTIL Employee.NEXT = 0;
  • Nav_ilNav_il Member Posts: 30
    Thanks mohana_cse06, this looks like something that should work. I will try it later.
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