Navision 4.0

CurlyNissCurlyNiss Member Posts: 4
i need to open a form from the menu suite by clicking on a menu item.But,i need to enter the code(F9) to put a filter on the table to open by form...i need help on how i can enter the Code area from the menu item.Is this option available on Navison 4.0?
Nisrine M.AOUN


  • ajayjainajayjain Member Posts: 119
    you can write on open form

    Form - OnOpenForm()
    Ajay Jain
  • toennetoenne Member Posts: 38
    No benefit of 4.00:

    it is NOT possible to place C/AL code in MenuSuite objects, only the informations Object Type, Object ID and a caption.

    for example using one form for more then one task by putting filters on it or setting some properties from menu form is not longer possible. there is no satisfactory substitution for this.

    there are two approaches:

    - you'll have to place a decision on the open-form-trigger
    - create new codeunits which do the things the menu form did
    (and so charge licence fees - this may be the main intention)

    no better idea, sorry :?
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