try to evaluate the string in an integer, if it fails, it contains "other than numeric characters" (ok, 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 will fail as well because of overflow...keep this in mind).
otherwise, you can loop every char of the string and check if it's a number (there are some topics in mibuso about it...).
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso My Blog
I have one field and data type is COde. This field contain AlphaNumeric data in some records and contain Pure numeric data in some records.
What will be Navision coding to find out that field has Numeric value or AlphaNumeric value.
Because I want to dump only numeric records into some other field of Integer data Type.
When I am Dumping Alphanumeric data into Integer data type fields is giving run time error.
otherwise, you can loop every char of the string and check if it's a number (there are some topics in mibuso about it...).
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Kindly find the below scenario.
AlphaNumeric(String : Code[20]) : Boolean
For IntLoop:=1 to STRLEN(String) DO BEGIN
If Char='[A..Z]' Then BEGIN
I passed Parameter to this function 'E678-A'.
But it not printing the message.
I am not sure how to compare If Char='[A..Z]' Then BEGIN
Please help me.
What about this?
but you obviously need something else: so, what do you really need to do?what's the business need?
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Good question. :thumbsup:
I have one field and data type is COde. This field contain AlphaNumeric data in some records and contain Pure numeric data in some records.
What will be Navision coding to find out that field has Numeric value or AlphaNumeric value.
Because I want to dump only numeric records into some other field of Integer data Type.
When I am Dumping Alphanumeric data into Integer data type fields is giving run time error.
Need help.
Did you try this?
or easier
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Thanks for your promt reply....
This code has worked....................................
if evaluate(myintegerfield,mycodefield) then
// do something, a MODIFY, for example;