VAT Difference not calculated correctly during an interface

bteredesaibteredesai Member Posts: 129

We have developed an interface between NAV(R2) and a purchasing system. Purchase invoices are created in the purchasing system; and gets imported into NAV.

VAT is calculated in the purchasing system. After importing the data into NAV before posting we process the data and compare VAT calculated by NAV with VAT Amount provided by the interface file. If there is a difference then we update the VAT Difference field on the respective purchase line.

Still facing some problem and there are penny differences in the posted invoices amount.

I tried to get the root cause of it and found that though VAT Difference field is available on the line; NAV calculates VAT at the group level (VAT Identifier). It is not necessary that the sum of VAT calculated on the line will match with VAT calculated at the header (referring to VAT Amount Line [F9-Statistics]).

The code as follows:

VATPurchDifference := PurchaseLine."Outstanding Amount"-PurchaseLine."Line Amount";
IF ABS(TempPurchLine."Vat Value") <> VATPurchDifference THEN BEGIN
IF ((ABS(TempPurchLine."Vat Value") - VATPurchDifference) <= CSMMessageSetup."Max. VAT Difference Allowed") AND
(PurchaseRecSetup."Allow VAT Difference" = TRUE )THEN
PurchaseLine."VAT Difference" := ABS(TempPurchLine."Vat Value") - VATPurchDifference;

But this doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions please...

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