Autorun report and it generates email daily

S0918423470S0918423470 Member Posts: 159
Hi all,

I have a new requirement :
Big boss want to have a report that it run automatically and generate email to him day by day. It means that he want to receive email that contains report's content. Because everyday he has to open Nav and run this report but he is always far from office.

We are using NAV 4.0 SP3.

Anyone have a solution for this case?


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    You can use NAS for this..
    search the forum for more information..
  • S0918423470S0918423470 Member Posts: 159
    any solution that not uses NAS?
  • konetisreenivaskonetisreenivas Member Posts: 3

    you can use the following function NewCDOMessage("From Name" :Text[100];"To Name" :Text[1000];Subject :Text[1000];Body :Text[1000];AttachFileName :Text[250]) which is avialable in Codeunit 397 (Mail).

    Prior to this
    1. you need to run the which report you want and it Save it as Html file.
    2. then attach the file

    hope it will solve your problem.

    Thanks & Regards,
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    any solution that not uses NAS?
    In version 4, there is the job schedular, it is part of the service granule, it runs reports similar to NAS, but doesn't require Nas, the job schedular does have to be run from an client though

    I use it to run many automated reports, I start a client up on my machine and the start the job schedular, it runs 24 hours a day, no NAS required.

    Once you move to 5.0 or above, the job schedular is replace by the job queue and NAS
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