Is there anyway to block posting by module wise. For example some user has purchase, sale and finance permissons but we want to allow only purchase posting.
In NAV 2009 SP1, we have different roles to use like
S&R-Q/O/I/R/C, POST - Post sales orders, etc.
WM-R/PA/A/P/S, POST - Post receipt, put away,etc.
S&R-JOURNAL, POST - Post journals (S&R)
P&P-Q/O/I/R/C, POST - Post purchase orders, etc.
S&R-Q/O/I/R/C, POST - Post sales orders, etc.
WM-R/PA/A/P/S, POST - Post receipt, put away,etc.
S&R-JOURNAL, POST - Post journals (S&R)
P&P-Q/O/I/R/C, POST - Post purchase orders, etc.
By using the above roles we can restrict.