Texteditor for NAV

thomas_g_hofmannthomas_g_hofmann Member Posts: 3
edited 2011-06-27 in NAV Three Tier
I am searching for a Texteditor for NAV. There are a lot of editors, that I can use. But in this special case I have Problem:

In NAV you have a Date in a comment line. If I use the editors I know, you loose this information.

I need an editor, where I can use this Date and get it back to NAV, if I save my text.

Is anyone there, who knows about a tool, that can do this?


  • thmartinthmartin Member Posts: 90
    There is one in the download area.

    Thomas Martin
    NAV Developer
  • thomas_g_hofmannthomas_g_hofmann Member Posts: 3
    Sorry, but I think, it´s not, what I am looking for. Here an example like in a NAV Table:

    Date Text
    01.01.01 We called Mr. X.
    He wanted to get more Info.
    02.01.01 Mr. X called us.
    He is intersted in our products.
    He wants, that we present our products.
    03.01.01 Presentation.

    Now I want to edit this text, because I want to add on 02.01.01, that Mr. X has his Focus´on a special Product.
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