I cannot understand why certain users can insert new customer both by form 21 and trasforming a sales offer with a contact in sales order creating a new customer.
We use SQL Server 2005 and only Windows Authentication with NAV 5.0.
Filtering the table 2000000005 - Permission for TableData, Object ID: 18 - Customer , Insert Permission <> '' (blank) we only have 2 roles :
and think that are standard.
The windows user that should not insert the customers don't have these roles.
So, what should I check?
Thank you
and think that they are standard ones.
If I eliminate the filter Insert Permission <>' ' we obtain 2 other roles created by us but they have Insert Permission blank -> prohibited
Is that ok?
Thank you very much
Could be this the cause of the problem?
Thank you
But I'd be careful removing this. Your phone is likely to light up.
I don't know much about Form-level permissions, so I'm not sure what "Insert" gives you on object 0. You could test this, though.
FYI, we just started using Easy Security and love it.
Tomorrow I will check with other databases or Cronus...
It is too strange!