your licence does not permit you to use the language ENG

alexiamyalexiamy Member Posts: 7
Hello to all!

A client have this error everytime he tries to print a credit memo. Its 5sp1 version. All the other users are not having any problems!Please advice!


  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    Is it a local installation? Maybe there is another license within the installation folder. Did you check which license is used?
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    That looks correct to me, the user wants to print in English (GB)(ENG) while he should use English (US)(ENU)
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  • tinoruijstinoruijs Member Posts: 1,226
    I've had this error and changed the Windows Language No. in table 8 from 2057 (English UK) to 1033 (English US).
    Now it's working fine.

    Tino Ruijs
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    The customer that you are printing credit memo might be setup with language code. make sure it's blank on customer card.
    Std nav tries to change the language of report to the language the customer is setup so that it prints in their language.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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