Thank you. You realy helped me. I need to correct grammatical sentence
, to do this i want to add some chars to lastname, these additional chars are dependence with last char of lastname.
I as i understand this works for char variable.
mychar := mystring[strlen(Mystring)];
and this works for string variable.
mystring:= COPYSTR(mystring,STRLEN(mystring),STRLEN(mystring)); // is this for string or exists any better way?
and i have another one question. I am doing report, i want to display text with some variables on report. my text size is roughly 300 chars. It seems that navision can not display my text in one textbox, i can not understand why textbox has this limitation?
for this i created three textbox, but i think it's not good solution. Exists any better way to display 300 chars length string on report?
mychar := mystring[strlen(Mystring)];
Independent Consultant/Developer
, to do this i want to add some chars to lastname, these additional chars are dependence with last char of lastname.
I as i understand this works for char variable.
mychar := mystring[strlen(Mystring)];
and this works for string variable.
mystring:= COPYSTR(mystring,STRLEN(mystring),STRLEN(mystring)); // is this for string or exists any better way?
and i have another one question. I am doing report, i want to display text with some variables on report. my text size is roughly 300 chars. It seems that navision can not display my text in one textbox, i can not understand why textbox has this limitation?
for this i created three textbox, but i think it's not good solution. Exists any better way to display 300 chars length string on report?
as far as printing in nav, there is no issue, in your code just add '\'
myprintingvariable := myfirstline " + '\' mysecodline
Also make sure the textbox property multiline is set to yes
Independent Consultant/Developer