I use Nav 5.0.
When I debug Codeunit Job Calculate WIP, I can only 'watch' the first record of table Variable. Does any one can help tell me how to get all records from the variable at one time.
1. it's a temporary table.
2. there are lots of records, I can't loop one by one.
Thanks in advance!
put a form.RUNMODAL(0,temptable) (dunno if you can do it, because you're probably in the middle of a transaction) or form.RUN(0,temptable) (but you'll probably get an empty table, if the temptable is deleted somewhere) at the and of the loop that fills the temptable.
otherwise do a little mod to the code. Firstly you have to create a copy of the temptable from the object designer in your database. After that you have to real records in it: you can achieve this by adding a pair of lines of code and one record variable. In the same loop where the temptable is filled in
After you finish debugging, you can open that real table manually from the obj designer
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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I'll try to add some code to record.
But I debug a error transaction, when it's done, nothing in real table.
Maybe it's all rolled back?!
in that case you have to try to program something like this (i don't know if it works, it depends on when the temptable is deleted:
find where the error comes out and add some lines of code before it, just like this
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Anyway thanks for your reply!