This one is driving me insane...
In report 10040 (Aged Accounts Receivable) I need to add new footer/summary fields. So, I added fields to the Customer, Footer (9) section and gave them proper DataSetNames. This looks to be the right place for what I need to do as I need to show them along with the existing totals that flow in from the other existing fields in that section. Anyway... Once I do this, the fields do NOT show in my dataset for the RDLC. The interesting thing though, is that the corresponding "Format" property DOES show in the dataset result. I tried creating new textboxes, copying the existing ones and changing the DataSetName...everything. It's driving me nuts!
So, the bottom line is that I've added a new textbox with (for example's sake) a DataSetName of "BalanceDue__4_FCY". When I look at the dataset in RDLC, this variable does not appear. BUT, there IS a variable in the result set for "BalanceDue__4_FCYFormat". UGH! I've been playing with this for far too long (exit and come back in, saves and compiles, save uncompiles, refresh dataset manually)...nothing is working.
If someone can put me out of my misery, I will owe you.
Henrik Helgesen,
President | Helgesen Consulting | LinkedIN
If yes, you have to use the same dataset with Sum()
In the Customer Footer (9) section, I simply copied one existing textbox. I then changed the DataSetName for the second copy. I did NOT change the source expression. So, the same value should come over to the RDLC with two separate names (the DataSetName used by the base product field, and the DataSetName used by my copy of it). BUT that doesn't happy. I see the "Format" version of my new field listed in the result set for the RDLC, but I do not see the actual value.
I'm pulling out what little hair I have left on this one.
as you can use same dataset field name in two places. you can identify the difference with format.
when you open layout ,the system automatically inserts dataset field names for which dataset field name property is blank..