Store articles with serial no. in more than one bin

JordivJordiv Member Posts: 5
For articles without a serial no. it’s possible to store one article in several parts by the function ‘’split line’’ in a warehouse put-away. When we want to store an article with a serial no. this function doesn’t work, because a serial no. must be unique. You can split the line, but you can’t register the put-away. NAV gives the message ‘’serial no. is found in inventory’’.

How can you put away one article with serial no. in more than one bin?

Thanks in advance!

We don't want to make three separate articles for one product


  • rhpntrhpnt Member Posts: 688
    I don't quite understand your problem. You cannot split lines with items that require SN tracking! Each SN gets its own line (lines = qty x 2). Check your item tracking and location setup.
  • JordivJordiv Member Posts: 5
    The problem is that we have a couch thats excist out of three parts. We order that couch on one article number at our supplier and sell the couch as one articlenumber to our customer. This article has SN tracking.
    Because the couch excist out of three parts we also want to store this parts on three different bin locations.

    I hope our problem is a bit more clearer now.
  • rhpntrhpnt Member Posts: 688
    Jordiv wrote:
    We don't want to make three separate articles for one product

    In your scenario that is unavoidable. Or create variants of that item.
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    It might be best to change SN tracking of that item to Lot number tracking.
    That way you can store your item on bins A B C with qty. 0,33|0,33|0,34
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