Hidding Missing Image Red X

SudsSuds Member Posts: 22
I've been trying to conditionally hide an image in a report by using IIF statements in the Hidden property and the actual field the image is contained in. The problem is if i try to set a missing image value to TRUE in the hidden property or display "" if image is missing it still seems to display a red X. I can't seem to hide the X and display an empty space.

Any suggestions would be much obliged. Thanks.



  • manisharma31manisharma31 Member Posts: 285
    And where are you trying to hide the image (i.e Header or Body).
  • SudsSuds Member Posts: 22
    In the body. The image is a picture of each item purchased by a client, so it is not a static single image.
  • JosephGressJosephGress Member Posts: 36
    I ran into the same issue this week. After a bit of experimentation, I found that the following process worked to hide the missing image red X:

    1) Add a BLOB field named something like "Blank Picture for Hiding Red X" to a setup table. I put mine in "Sales & Receivables Setup".
    2) Create a small all white image in Paint then import this into the BLOB field from step 1.
    3) Add the following code to the OnAfterGetRecord trigger for the Item dataitem of your report.
    SalesSetup.CALCFIELDS("Blank Picture for Hiding Red X");
    Item.Picture := SalesSetup."Blank Picture for Hiding Red X";
    Joseph Gress
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    You could also create new section without picture and show it in several cases.
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at http://x-dynamics.blogspot.com
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