Error Opening NAV: "No menu has been setup"

blacktoothxblacktoothx Member Posts: 8
Hi all,

I haven't been able to recreate this problem, or find anyone else who's had it - hoping someone has an idea here...

Yesterday, One of our users "panicked and got scared when a popup showed" and "started hitting buttons and maybe deleting things" (those are actual quotes from her...). Now every time she tries to connect to a company NAV closes completely with the following error: "No menu has been setup".

Things I already tried:
  • Deleted ZUP file
  • Logged on from diff computer with same issue (so it's gotta be something in her user settings on server)
  • Checked (from SA); she has Access Rights to Sales&Marketing and Financial Mgmt Menu options
  • no one else has ANY issues
  • not a pre-existing issue

So far nothing has worked, and NAV won't stay open long enough to even see what she has set up.

Anyone have any ideas?


  • ShedmanShedman Member Posts: 194
    Have you tried to remove her login completely and recreate it?
  • blacktoothxblacktoothx Member Posts: 8
    She is using Windows Auth - if I re-create the login in exactly the same way will it preserve all the linkages/records tied to her user id throughout the system?
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    That sounds like a custom error message to me, although I could be wrong. Is this for the Classic or Role Tailored Client? In the RTC some of the settings were moved out of the zup file.
  • blacktoothxblacktoothx Member Posts: 8
    I'm not sure what NAV would consider the difference to be, but I know this install was customized to handle food manufacturing (our business). Our version is NA Dynamics NAV5.0 / P800 5.0 (5.0 SP1). After the initial install (from P800) we did all of our own Dev work.
  • blacktoothxblacktoothx Member Posts: 8
    Perhaps another thing of note is the message dialog pops up twice in immediate succession. The message is the same both times ("No menu has been setup") but it might give some clue as to the processing triggering this response.
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    If you're on version 5 then it is Classic Client. It sounds like you work for the end user and not a NAV partner, so there will be a lot that you probably don't have access to do. I would start with the User Setup table and check the user's record against other records for users that do work. It should be under Administration --> Application Setup --> Users.

    Past that, you probably don't have access to export all of your objects as text in order to search the code. If you do for some reason, though, and have some NAV development experience, I would search for the exact error message in the text file in order to figure out what object is happening in.
  • blacktoothxblacktoothx Member Posts: 8
    OK, so I tried deleting and re-creating her Windows Auth user - no luck.

    Then I followed the suggestion to export everything and tracked the error message to Form ADC Menu (37002403). This looks in a table (empty in both production and dev backup) and flashes that error in OnOpenForm
    Text000@1102603013 : TextConst 'ENU=No menu has been setup.';
                     MenuKeys[2] := STRSUBSTNO('%1:%2',ADCSetup."Exit Key Tag",Text002);
                     FOR i := 3 TO 10 DO
                       MenuKeys[i] := STRSUBSTNO('%1:%2   %3:%4',ADCSetup."Exit Key Tag",Text002,ADCSetup."Back Key Tag",Text003);
                     IF NOT ADCMenu.FIND('+') THEN BEGIN
                     MaxLine := ADCMenu."Line No.";
                     IF NOT GetMenu(MenuLevel) THEN BEGIN

    The strange thing is, no records exist in the tables anyways, and everyone else can log in perfectly well.
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    So the next step is to trace it back a little further. If that is the only function in which you can find that message being displayed, you need to step back and find every place that the function is called. Eventually you will probably find some conditional that is firing just for that user because of some data not being filled in. That is what I have generally found anyway.
  • blacktoothxblacktoothx Member Posts: 8
    OK I finally resolved it. Not sure if it will help anyone but...

    The problem was with the "ADC" module (tied to 3rd party Label software) - it had its own menu suite and setup within our Navision Company which somehow she opened up.

    Identifying the Problem
    We have two companies in our database, so I gave the problem user access to the second company and her login went through perfect - so it had to be something in the first company. Then I started tracing the ADCMenu all over and discovered it had its own menu suite. I tried to manually run it and got the same "No menu has been setup" error, only this time I was doing it deliberately. This was universal (any user) and repeatable.

    Fixing the Problem
    So, to fix it I created a dummy record in the ADCMenu table to satisfy this menu issue, loaded up her login (which went through now that a record existed) and loaded up the correct menu suite instead. I'm not 100% sure where the error really was, or how in the world she managed to load up the different menu suite, but temporarily creating the record let me get in far enough to clean things up.

    Preventing the Problem
    Apparently she'd been having issues for a week or so before but she was too afraid to come tell me (thinking she'd screwed something up) until it was too late. Turns out I might be a BOFH after all : )

    Thanks to those who helped
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