Hotfixes, do they include older fixes and what about buildno

TrapezoidTrapezoid Member Posts: 7
edited 2011-06-08 in NAV Three Tier
Waldo's Blog lists all the platform updates for R2:

There is a running update number in the list e.g. update 0.15. There is also a corresponding build number for that update number. If one updates NAV with a hotfix that is under update number 0.15 does that update the NAV's build number also (in my example to 32384)? If the build number is updated does that mean the applied hotfix includes all the previous hotfixes since the build number is newer than the build number for the earlier hotfixes?

Or are all the hotfixes individual fixes that doesn't include any other fixes?

EDIT:Belias posted a link to an older thread about the question:
Belias wrote:

Basically Nav hotfixes are incremental.


  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    As far as I know this changed some time ago. In former times all build nos. fixed their own single issue. So, if you take a higher build no. you could not be sure that this will fix former issues. Now the newer build nos. should contain all changes of the older ones. But not for all parts of the application. E.g. fixes to ODBC are seperated from this rule. But fixes to the core application should work like this.
    So, in general it depends on your version.
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  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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  • manisharma31manisharma31 Member Posts: 285
    Pretty Nice.
  • TrapezoidTrapezoid Member Posts: 7
    Thanks Belias! That older thread helped to understand this quite unclear situation.
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412

    what I try to do in my list is putting some logic in the "Running Update Number". This number is my own number, but as you can see, I use two numbers: x.y.

    x represents some kind of platform update, where all y's are based upon.
    So suppose you need hotfix 0.15, then you need the base version (represented by 0) and only update 15 (respresented by 15 (duh.. :wink:)).
    But, if you need update 1.15, then you need to be aware that it can't be applied to the base version, but you need platform update 1 for it .. . For example for NAV 2009 SP1, you have "update 1", which is a platform update which needs to be installed before you can apply further hotfixes.. .

    but then again, in this specific NAV 2009 SP1, there is once again a special situation, where Microsoft combines the hotfixes from SP1 and R2 .. :-/: you can apply the hotfixes of R2 (after build 32017), as long as you implemented update 1 (my own running number) of Sp1 ..

    I know, it's complicated .. and sorry for the confusion on my blog .. still hope it's useful to you though ;°)

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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