Hi to all.
I should modify a value in a field of table A modifying a value in table B.
I have a form with a subform. In subform I have multitple records with a field called Quantity.
If I press button "Confirm" , code is supposed to read the value in field Quantity and sum (or decrease , this depends on an option) it to the value that is in another table , called table A, that has a field called Quantity too, record after record.
I'll try to explain in a better way:
if in the subform I have three records , e.g.
name quantity
subject1 5
subject2 10
subject3 1
and in table A I have
name quantity
subject1 1
subject2 4
subject3 25
when I press the button, I should take Quantity of subject1 and modify quantity in table A, then I take quantity of subject2 and modify quantity in table A, then I take quantity of subject3 and modify quantity in table A, et cetera.
subjects of subform and table A are the same.
This looks like a warehouse but I cannot use standard table and "item ledger entries" table like.
As result I should have quantity modified as :
subject1 6
subject2 14
subject3 26
in case of sum, obviously.
I tried to use flowfield but I realized that flowfield sums the whole column quantity.
How could I do this?
I try to write:
tableA.SETRANGE(subject,Rec.Subject); --> find the subject in tableA that's equal to subject in subform
tableA.Quantity := tableA.Quantity +Rec.Quantity;
the findset + repeat until should slide records and modify field tableA.Quantity one by one, but it sums all values in field quantity of the subform and adds the result to the value of field quantity in tableA that's focused on subform.
what's wrong?
and not
TableA - Findset
Rec.NEXT = 0; ????
Why not TableA.Next
**Edit Too Slow :oops:
I thought that I should step record by record on subform.
But even if I put tableA.NEXT it doesn't work. It continues to add quantity to record that is focused.
This code is not tested, so there might be small errors.
this is very very cool. it works!
mohana, your suggestion is cool too, but I haven't understood why pk field should be replaced..
last question: rather than sum and decrese I have a type Option to select on header of the form.
I wrote this :
but, if I put a MESSAGE('%1', FormHeader.Option) in each case, I see only Option1, even if I select Option2.
It's important because sum or difference depends on the kind of option selected.
why case of doesn't work?
You can replace that with
Where did you write this code?
where did you get header Record?
I wrote it in a function in a subform, that is called from OnPush trigger with:
To call header record I created a variable record on table MyTableHeader.
EDIT: Solved. I created two functions in subform, one to sum and one to decrease.
Then, in FormHeader I wrote:
That works fine!
Thank you very much!