Form to page transformation Issue

lamba010lamba010 Member Posts: 44
edited 2011-06-06 in NAV Three Tier

What is the Correct Process for Form to Page Transformation:

1. Do we have to follow the Below given steps:

The steps for Transformation, which I follwed are,

1) Open a classic client, go to Object Designer and import the files DevTool.fob and TIF.fob from the folder TransformationTool\TIF Editor\
2) Create a new form in NAV, as simple as possible (or you can also use your existing forms). For example a Card form based on the customer table, with just a few fields on it. This is the form you want to transform.

Setup and use the Transformation tool:

3) Run, form 97000 "Transformation Forms"

4) Click Setup -> "Import PageType - FormType mapping", and select the file TransformationTool\TIF Editor\FormToPagetypeMapping.txt.

5) Click Setup again -> Get Forms. Filter on Type = Form, and ID = the new form(or existing one), then click OK. This gets the form(s) that you want to transform.

6) In the FormType field, select "Card" ("Form with TabControl only and a source table").

Run the transformation:

7) Export the settings from form 97000: Click on Functions -> Create Transformation Input "Transform Pages". You must export it to the TransformationTool folder, and it must be called TransformPages.xml.

8 ) From Object Designer, export the form (File -> Export) as xml.You must export it to the folder TransformationTool, and it must be called Forms.xml.

You now have the form you want to transform, and the meta-data that tells the TranformationTool how to transform it.

9) Run the file FormTransformation.exe from the TransformationTool folder. This generates a new file called Pages.xml. It also logs any progress or errors in the file Transformation.log.

Import the new page:

10) Back in NAV (classic client): Go to Object Designer, and import the file Pages.xml, and then compile it.


Simply just Export the Required Form in the Transformation Toolkit folder and then Run the .Exe file file, Hence the Pages.xml file will be created and by importing that file, the required form to Page Transformation is done.


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