Drop Shipment

veeraviveeravi Member Posts: 66

Why does the linked sales order as drop shipment must be invoiced before you can invoice the purchase order? In case of 100% paymnet against delivery, I can't book the Purchase Invoice if it's a drop shipment and then invoice to a customer.



  • bharethbhareth Member Posts: 55
    Ravi ,

    In Drop Shipment Points to be noted

    1. After you have posted the sales order as shipped, you can also post the purchase order as received. If the sales order has been invoiced, you can also invoice the purchase order.

    2. You can post the purchase order immediately or at a later date. But when posting, you can only select Receive, because the linked sales order must be invoiced before you can invoice the purchase order.

    In your case still allow to make a purchase order as received irrespective of whatever the payment terms .

    can i know your scenario in detail .
    Bhareth .
  • veeraviveeravi Member Posts: 66
    My point is that before making sales invoice for a drop shipment why not purchase invoice can be posted. Moreover, part shipment is also not permissable thru drop shipment.

    Hope you get my point.

  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    The Drop Shipment functionality is like that only..

    The help says:
    You cannot invoice the purchase order before the sales order is invoiced.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,110
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    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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