Cash Applied Report (Report No :10041)

dhruv81599dhruv81599 Member Posts: 7

I am getting wrong amount when I run Cash Applied Report. In normal case it is working fine. but when I create entry like following way and then I run report it give wrong amount.

1) create 1 customer invoice with x Amount (e.g Invoice Amount is $5000)
2) Create 1 Payment entry for same customer with same invoice amount (e.g Payment Amount is $5000)
3) Go to customer ledger Entries and select payment entry and then open apply entries form using function menu button.
4) now select the invoice which you created and enter Y Amount (e.g $2000) into Amount to Apply field and post entry.
5) Now again you apply same payment entry with same invoice which you created and apply full amount which is remaining and post it.

At this point both payment and invoice entry become close.
Now you run cash applied report. you can see the "Amount Not Yet Applied" column have value which is wrong. because we applied full amout of payment.

I appreciate if some one help me to resolve this problem.



  • herrlutzherrlutz Member Posts: 58
    Report 10041 is a local report (from USCA localization?). Provided the error can be reproduced in Cronus Standard, and your version is in maintenance, i suggest your partner to make a support call in PartnerSource.
    or search PartnerSource for KB entries.
  • dhruv81599dhruv81599 Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for your reply.
    Actually I am looking solution for that. if anyone fixed this report before or anyone have solution that how to fix it than I appreciate it.

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