my actual favourite job is to upgrade a partial foreign 3.70 db to 4.00 #-o
does anybody know why the option "Action::Close" has gone lost now.
is there any corresponding option available?
if anybody is looking for a solution on mentioned problem, please stop.
the problem was the name of the used variable, which was the same as its datatype:
var Action: Action;
Action := SplittForm.RUNMODAL();
IF Action = Action::Close THEN
this was allowed in version 3.70, but no longer in 4.00 as it seems....
renaming "Action" by "hAction" was the solution.
Hi, my problem was almost the same. But I partially solved it by using Action::Close together with Action::LookupCancel because it seems that Action::Close no longer acts on pressing Esc, it just reacts on closing the window using title bar or Close - so not as then in those old days before vers. 4.00. :-k
my actual favourite job is to upgrade a partial foreign 3.70 db to 4.00 #-o
does anybody know why the option "Action::Close" has gone lost now.
is there any corresponding option available?
the problem was the name of the used variable, which was the same as its datatype:
var Action: Action;
Action := SplittForm.RUNMODAL();
IF Action = Action::Close THEN
this was allowed in version 3.70, but no longer in 4.00 as it seems....
renaming "Action" by "hAction" was the solution.
thanx anyway.