I have a report in which I put the option to print in Excel.
I have a field 'Details' which is an array of 5 dimensions which I used on the report sections.
But, on the Excel, I used it as follows: Detail 1| Detail 2| Detail 3|....|Detail 5 which is being displayed in one cell.
I want to insert a line break which should be as follows:
Detail 1
Detail 2
Each detail should be displayed one after the other..
Is there a way to do that?
Plz advise me..
chrTest = Char
chrTest := 10;
CellText := Detail1 + format(chrTest) + Detail2
That should do the trick.
I have been able to do the line break, i.e all details are displaying one after the other.
Thanks a lot for ur posts. =D>
But, now I have to add a bullet point in front of each detail.
It should be as follows:
• Detail 1
• Detail 2
• Detail 3
• Detail 4
• Detail 5
Each detail should be displayed with bulletted style as shown above..
Is there a way to do that?
Plz advise me..
For the bulletedlist: have you tried making a bulletedlist in Excel? I failed and could only copy a bulletedlist from Word to Excel. Next to that, if I placed the copy in one cell, the bullets didn't even show.(Excel 2007)