I am very frustrated everytime I hear that I have to modify a RTC report for a customer. After searching in this forum to find any solution for my problems it seems that I am the only one with design problems.
As example:
In my Order Confirmation I modified the width of some fields. (no delete, no insert, only modify). The hole length of my table is 18,5 cm now. (There is also a border on the bottom of the row) When I am printing the report the length is only 16,5. Everything (margin, page size) is the same than in the Invoice or Quote where everything is working.
We are working with Report Header and Footer. So I used SetData, GetData to bring my fields on top. When I place the caption textbox in the header and place with a little space between the value textbox in the header. The value is printed inside the caption. (there is a space between!! they are not touching each other in the layout).
To fix this I used another component which range is from the left side of the page to the value textbox to reserve this space.
I am not looking for solutions for my problems here now. I only want to know if I am so incompetent because nobody else has problems like this. ](*,)
I must say before. I have not problems to get my values in the header or footer, or printing picture. Also grouping is not such a problem. I have my data values on the right place. But the layout is horrible to develop.
I heared that an addon supplier is not using RTC reporting for documents anymore because of this problems. We are also thinking about stopping development in this section.
I also believe that MS had problems. Look at report 321 and add one column there.
Nice workaround. Or look at the Reminder. Compare with classic or better compare with 5.01 version and try it with not due entries too.
I hope that I will find a good hint how to handle this for my job. [-o<
-- edit --
this post was written in anger :roll:
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I would not have a problem with this if I could find a logic reason for my layout problems. I'm sure there is one but I do not have the time to reproduce them and to test them again and again ...
At the moment you can't sell the time it takes for RTC report documents to your customers.
Basic Document Layout: Classic: 2h RTC: 1-2 days?
Moving a field two lines lower... Classic: not worth to sell included in support. RTC: #-o
Better to stay in Classic for documents. Reporting (List, statistics, ...) is quite ok in RTC.
With kind regards
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I know that Classic will not be supported in NAV 7. But are you sure you can use your 2009 RTC documents as they are in NAV 7? For me it seems to be safer to user Classic documents now instead of converting them into RTC for 2009 with troubles and running into the same troubles when updating to NAV 7.
But I'm only talking about problems with documents (orders, invoices, ...). RTC Reporting itself gives us possibilites. But bills and receipts are a horror! ](*,)
With kind regards
But sooner or later you will have to face report layout .
Maybe, since classic won't be supported anymore, in Nav 7 there will be some chages that simplify report layout design.
In particular for documents that are the most difficult.
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