Compliments to all.
on the purchase and payables, i'm creating a Requisition Worksheet and
after that i need to create an order.
fill all the infomation in the requisition, choose carry out action message from fuction button.
immeadiately after i click OK in carry out action msg. requisition report, it says the Could not create an instance of OLE control or Automation Server identified by GUID gives the address of the OLE control
Unknown Automation.Unknown Class
check if the Server is installed or registered.
i've opened the forms and report i thought i could find an instanse of Automation, but could no.
where can i locate the error and fix it.
thans in advance.
Learning Never End.
If it puting, then may be corrupted Microsoft Object Library?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
1. maybe the debugger can help you.
2. make a text export of the objects and search for automation variables in there. Sometimes code is hidden somewhere in a local procedure.