Page Globals Set By Function 'Lost' When Page Opens?

r44712r44712 Member Posts: 40
edited 2011-05-17 in NAV Three Tier

I've created some functionality whereby some parameters (Item and Location) are passed to a Form and when the Form opens, the user is asked some more questions about what they want to do to proceed (for that Item and Location).

Works perfectly in Classic Client. However, in RTC between the 'SetParameters()' function being called and the 'OnOpenPage()' triggering, the scope of the variables has been lost. I know this becuase I put messages on both functions (not having a debugger for the RTC is a pain!).

However, how do I resolve this situation, it's frustrating becuase once again the Classic Client works and the RTC doesn't!

Thanks for any sugggestions in advance.


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