Get "Shipment No." field in Tracking specification table

DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
Dear folks, I've Attain 4.0 and I'm starting to work with Lot numbers. All it's ok, but, for filtering in sales shipment report, I need the "Shipment No." field from "Sales line" or "Sales shipment line" table in "Tracking Specification" table. How can I do this?, I don't find how works this table.
Thanks for help.


  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    This table is almost a copy of reservation entry and used as a temporay unit for partially posted movements.
    You can use Source Type field to find table, Source ID for Document No etc and Source Ref. No for the Line No. If you know which record to go then you can use this information to find related fields in Track. Spec.

    By the way how do you create shipment? Do you create one shipment from one order or do you combine orders to a shipment? If you convert order to shipment then Shipment Line's will have the related order no. The other issue making me confused; you already have Sales Shipment Line as dataitem in your report. Why do you need to go to Track. Spec. to get shipment no?
    Ufuk Asci
  • DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
    Thanks for reply. Yes, I've "Sales Shipment Line" as dataitem in report and after "Trancking specification" table. Then, as you say, I use "Source ID", "Document No.", etc,, to find the Lot's numbers and it runs well in many cases.
    But if, for example, in a Sales Quote, with one item and 2 quantities, on morning you register only 1 piece and you assign a Lot number, but after 2 hours, your register another piece from that quote, then you select another Lot number; it has created two shipment from the same Sales Quote.
    Then you run the report from one shipment (with only one piece) but appers the two Lot numbers, because it is filtering by "Item No.", "Source ID" and "Source Ref. No.", but not by the shipment number because it does not appears on "Tracking specification" table; by this reason I need it. I think is the only way.
    Sorry it don't explain well.
  • DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
    Sorry, I've seen the "EntryNo." field in "Tracking Specification" table ,that is the same that "Item Shpt. Entry No." field form "Sales Shipment Line". But I've tested buy this field as a new dataitemlink and it appears in blank on run the reports, it's strange.
    Thanks for help.
  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    Use the item ledger entries for the shipment lines to get the lotnumbers for it. That is how NAV does it when you click "line" -> "Item tracking entries" on the form of a posted sales shipment.
  • DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
    Thanks for reply. Sorry, I don't understand; in my "Item ledger entry" table doesn't appears the "Lot No.".
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Lot No. field exists in 3.7DB also and you are using 4.0 means it should be there..
    Field No. 6501 Lot No.
  • DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
    I'm very sorry, you're right. But, how can I get it for my sales shipment report?. I've, as I've said, the "Sales shipment line" table and, as following dataitem, the "Tracking specification" table.
    Thanks for help.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Filter Item Ledger Entries by your Sales Shipment Header Document No. and use Lot No. in Item Ledger Entry record
  • DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
    OK, I'll try it. Thank you very much for your help.
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