Hi Guys!
I know that when we speak about Report in RTC it is not easy to find a solution, but I try to ask anyway

I'm trying to create a Customization of the Sales Shipment taking standard report as example. All works except one thing in the footer. I created a textbox in the body and I placed all the fields I want to show in the footer. Example:
=Fields!Item_Exterior_AppearanceCaption.Value + Chr(177) +
Fields!TXTItemExterior.Value + Chr(177) +
Fields!Shipping_AgentCaption.Value + Chr(177) +
With a textbox in the footer I call the function SetData
And after that in each control in the footer I call the function GetData.
All works. The problem appears when I try to insert a Decimal calculated Variable in the footer. It seems like the function SetData doesn't work properly because if I render the textbox with SetData visible it show "#Error".
This happens with all decimal calculated variable I tried.
I'm wondering if someone has already faced a problem like this and could help me.
Thx in advance and sorry for the long post.
.... + Str(Fields!Decimal.Value) + ....
Thx Mihail this solves my problem. :thumbsup:
Many thx!
It works as expected... More or Less...
It works as expected... More or Less...