Folderpicker for RTC?

livingdolllivingdoll Member Posts: 45
edited 2011-05-16 in NAV Three Tier

I want to use a folder picker in the RTC, preferably without the necessity of registering a dll. I already found the solution with the automations CSideWindowCheck and 'C/SIDE Utility Classes'.ActiveWindow, but I was wondering if it's possible to have a picker without these external components.

Perhaps with dot net interoperability? If so, could someone provide me with an example on how to do this?




  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    Why don't you use OpenFile function in Common Dialog Management codeunit?
    Ufuk Asci
  • livingdolllivingdoll Member Posts: 45
    Because I don't want to pick a file but a folder.
  • tryborgtryborg Member Posts: 2
    I always use the automation 'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation'.Shell when I want to open a folder and It works great. Have you tried to look at that?
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